Gujarat Fortunegiants defeated Puneri Paltan by 10 points at the Patliputra Sports Complex in Patna on Tuesday. Representing Gujarat Fortunegiants at the post-match press-conference were coach Manpreet Singh, Sachin, Ruturaj Koravi and Mahendra Ganesh Rajput. Coach Ashan Kumar and stand-in captain Sandeep Narwal took questions for Puneri Paltan.

Gujarat Fortunegiants

Q: It was a defensive game today with both sides concentrating on tackles. Any comments on the game?

Manpreet Singh: Puneri Paltan are a very balanced team. Their bench-strength is very strong as well. As a team, we have done a lot of homework on them. We took our time and made the right strategies. I feel very proud of what my team has achieved today, especially the raiders. In our previous match against them, we won but gave away a lot of points. We were successful in not giving away unnecessary points today and we played according to our plans.

Q: Despite the likes of Nitin Tomar in the opposition ranks, you were the only one to manage a Super 10. How do you feel after the game today?

Sachin: I feel very proud that I could contribute to the team’s victory. Getting a Super 10 is never easy and getting it against a defensively-strong side feels even more special. I hope to continue this form in our future matches and hope we do well.

Q: Do you think your tackles made the difference in the game today?

Ruturaj Koravi: This is my debut season in VIVO Pro Kabaddi and this has been my best performance so far for the team. I’m very happy I could contribute to the win today. Going up against Nitin Tomar and winning the point is very difficult but I managed to do it today and that makes me very happy. As long as my performances contribute to the team’s victory, I will be happy.

Puneri Paltan

Q: How do you view today’s match?

Ashan Kumar: We lost our momentum towards the end which is why we lost the game. I am a little disappointed with the team’s performance today. This was a game we should have won. Our defence was a little off today.

Q: Nitin Tomar had to be taken out and then you conceded a Super Raid. Do you think this was the turning point of the match?

Ashan Kumar: Not really. Had we made a clean tackle, we would have had the point instead of them getting 3 points and that could have made a difference. Nitin Tomar having to be taken out is part and parcel of the game, so I cannot blame anyone there. Had he been on the mat, he could have made a difference.

Q: It was a defensive game today. Where do you think the match turned?

Sandeep Narwal: It turned in the Super Raid we conceded. Had we picked up that point, the result of the match would have been different, and we could have scored 5 points instead of scoring none.