After an 11-episode run in its inaugural season, Beyond The Mat, a first-of-its-kind kabaddi chat show on social media, hosted live and exclusively by Mashal Sports on Pro Kabaddi’s Instagram is all set to return for a brand new season. 

The first guest of the new season will be Ajay Thakur, former India captain and captain of the Tamil Thalaivas in Pro Kabaddi Season 7. He will be LIVE at 6 pm this Sunday, October 4th

After a successful first season which reached an audience of more than 1 Million across all social media platforms, the show is now set to return with more interviews featuring players, coaches, and even franchise owners from the vivo Pro Kabaddi league. 

Ajay Thakur, Manjeet Chhillar, Nitin Tomar, Sandeep Narwal and Vishal Bhardwaj are among the kabaddi superstars set to feature in Pro Kabaddi’s LIVE chat show.

The show is a 30-40-minute-long interview-based chat between the host and the guest, with fans tuning in and participating in the conversation via the comments section of the chat. The show provides an insight into the life of a kabaddi superstar and features segments covering their journey to stardom, their success mantras and the fan-favourite rapid-fire segment.

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Q: Which is the toughest bone in a kabaddi player's body? A: The funny bone! 😁

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The second season will feature the likes of Indian kabaddi legend and Arjuna awardee Ajay Thakur, Manjeet Chhillar and Sandeep Narwal along with many other fan favourites from the league.

Season 1 of Beyond The Mat kicked off with brothers Siddharth & Suraj Desai and featured some of kabaddi’s biggest names such as Anup Kumar, Pardeep Narwal, Rahul Chaudhari and Pawan Sehrawat with the finale featuring the man who led the Bengaluru Bulls to their maiden vivo Pro Kabaddi title in Season 6 - Rohit Kumar

Mashal Sports are now excited to announce an even bigger season comprising many more surprises and a lot more participation from those who made the show such a grand success - the fans.

Beyond The Mat Season 2 premiere’s this Sunday (4th October) on Instagram LIVE @prokabaddi. The show will be LIVE every Sunday at 6 pm.

To watch the previous episodes from Season 1, log on to download the official Pro Kabaddi app from your app store. For regular updates on the vivo Pro Kabaddi league follow our official social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube.