As India prepares to celebrate its 78th Independence Day, Jaideep Dahiya of Haryana Steelers expressed that he is very excited about the Pro Kabaddi League Season 11 Player Auction being scheduled on India’s Independence Day. Over 500 players will go under the hammer in the two-day Player Auction slated to be held in Mumbai on 15 - 16 August 2024. 

“There is a lot of excitement ahead of the auction. We are looking to add young and dynamic players to our squad and we aim to lift the trophy this season,” said Dahiya, who also works in the Navy as a PT Officer. “It will be great to see PKL Auction being held on Independence Day as a Fauji,” he added. 

Kabaddi holds a special place in the hearts of many Indians, symbolizing strength, unity, and national pride. Reflecting on India's achievements, Dahiya expressed, “We have won gold in the Kabaddi World Cup and Asian Games. This sport has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years, and the game has changed significantly. It is getting a lot of attention from the audience.” 

Dahiya’s words resonate with the patriotic fervour that grips the nation as it honours its Independence and celebrates the sporting spirit that unites its people. “Kabaddi is not just a game; it embodies the resilience and valour of our country," he said. 

Talking about the team’s preparations, he said, “We have been training hard and rigorously. Once our squad is finalized with new players, our franchise will hold a training camp to ensure we are ready for Season 11.” 

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